Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Interesting so far...

Wow! I've made it to my second post. Usually I lose interest after a couple of days. Maybe I'll stick to this.

I read on CNN the state of Georgia is having problems with Evolution vs. Creationism in public schools. Why is this such a hard problem? All parents who don't want their children to learn about Evolution, send them to a religious school! Public schools are for the PUBLIC ... remember that little separation of church and state thing in the U.S. Constitution? Be real, people, dinosaurs are not "Jesus Horses." Fossils aren't "God's little joke." If you wish to believe in Creationism, go right ahead, just don't force it down my throat. I won't if y0u won't.

Or maybe (Warning: A Bugz theory, could be hazardous to your mind) God did create everything and he/she intended it to be just like Evolution! What a concept.

On another note, I am saddened to hear of the most likely death of Margaret Hassan. Fundamentalists really suck. I think that would make a great bumper sticker. I'm talking about fundamentalists of any religion or creed. Middle ground, people! Not just black or white but RAINBOW colors! (Most people see in color, right?)

I've just discovered color on the Blogger... and it is wonderful!

Pets ... everyone should have at least one. Animal shelters are very full and are putting them to sleep. It's sad. I can see a little bit of the necessity of it all but it still tears me up. I did vow not to be a 80 year old woman with 50 cats. Maybe 25... hmmm

I sound very preachy tonight ... I guess maybe I just need to get some of these ideas that roll around in my head out in some form. I hate writing with a pen (hands cramp up too bad) so keyboard seems to work.

Okay, it's time for interesting link of the day. (it's a new item here on Ramblings)
How about ... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071853/quotes

I love Monty Python.

Well, that's about it for now. See y'all later.


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