Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I'm baaaaack!

I'll let you know next week if I'm addicted to Blogging.

Okay, what is this about changing a law that makes the speaker of the house able to serve even if he is indicted in a court of law? I'm sorry, not every lawsuit is some partisan way of backlashing, maybe, just maybe he actually did break some laws. I think if you have legal troubles, you should be putting your energies towards that, not leading the House of Representatives.

A new secretary of Education. Will she actually help our nation's kids or make them learn a test and call them "egikated?" The SATs were bad enough! All through 11th grade English we practiced analogies until my head after SATs was the same as a melon shot full of lead, the .45 kind. I do feel good about going to a local elementary school and helping underprivileged kids with reading. Reading was such an escape for me, especially when I had bad bouts of insomnia as a child. I believe in the theory of the Village helps raise the child ... we can all help somehow.

Interesting... Russia wants to build a new nuclear missile. Hide in the halls, kids! It's time to play "Nuclear Holocaust." Putin says he's creating military reform. Wouldn't that mean you're putting away all the toys that go boom? Or maybe he meant Military Form as to form a missile.
Another thought on nuclear weapons, how come we're the only country who can have nuclear missiles? As far as I know we are the only country who has actually used a nuclear weapon on a country. Just curious. Growing up in the Seventies and Eighties made me a little Nuke-shy. In history class, we would look at a map of our town and draw the circles where the destruction would fall and find out if we died instantly or suffered a slow burning death. My best friend and I vowed to drive to the middle of town with a couple of six-packs and wait for the inevitable. Everyone back then believed "their town" would be hit by a Ruskie missile. Well, it may happen again. I don't know what is worse, waiting for the advisary to launch the first strike or having some mad fundamentalist pull the pin in Times Square.

Sears and K-mart (Sears & Kbuck or Sear-Mart) goes against Wal-mart who merges with Target becoming Waltargetmart. They are swallowed up by Home Depot who merges with Best Buy and Office Depot, renaming themselves as Best Office & Home Depot who takes on Walgreens and CVS who combine with Olive Garden, aptly naming their selves CVGardengreens. Meanwhile, Gateway and Dell becomes GatewaytoDell.

The American Catholic Church has joined a Christian Alliance with other Christian faiths. Some are concerned that their union with the Catholics will water down their faith

... Aren't Catholics ... Christian?

Does this mean we're eventually going to end up like Iran and become a Theocracy? We already have a leader who believes God picked him to be our president. I bet those Puritans are just jumping up and down in their graves! Yay! We can bring back the stocks and whippings! Put women back in their place -- barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, and very silent -- except for Hillary. I don't think she'd wear the Scarlet letter without a fight.
Separation of Church and State! Repeat after me, Separation of Church and State! It is my mantra on my blog and I hope others take it on.

I've ranted and raved enough tonight. Hope y'all were entertained. My brain is now emptied for the night.

Be good or be good at it.

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